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My New Project!!

Hello Friends & Followers!

So, I told you I’d have a new adventure and here it is!

I’ve been working on a new project for quite a while and, though it’s not as perfect or polished as I’d like it to be, I figured it’s time to stop messing around and launch the darn thing already. So, without further ado, I give you the first episode of Politics Girl. Iowa caucus: Part I, II & III.

Yes, I know…right down to the wire on that one.

You can also access the episodes via the website at:

Basically, Politics Girl is my foray into vlogging (or video blogging) where I hope to break down political issues and candidates from a open minded perspective. Though I personally have strong political leanings, swaying people to my point of view is not the point of the website or channel. My goal, as lofty as it may be, is to truly reengage people with the political sphere using facts and not spin. Things have become so polarized, so hostile, so…let’s be honest…gross that people are simply checking out in order to save their own sanity. I understand that. There’s a saying I love that goes…“My desire to stay informed is directly challenged by my desire to stay sane.” 

It’s a quandary.

Our news stations are skewed, our inboxes are full, our lives are busy but, this stuff REALLY matters and we, as lucky democratic citizens, get to have a say. I know it’s easier to choose to ignore it but, ultimately, it’s not better. Not for us and not for the future of the country. Ignoring simply gives the people who are engaged way too much control. I believe we can do better and I think knowledge and understanding is the first step to that.

Now, I know that a website, vlog, blog, tumblr, twitter feed situation is a bit Millennial for a lot of us but, this is the new way to reach people and reaching people is truly my goal. Currently the website is in it’s infancy. I’ll be consistently adding new vlogs, blogs and definitions but, the twitter feed and tumblr account have been up and running for months and I hope you’ll take the opportunity to check them out, follow and, hopefully, pass them on to others.

So, that’s my spiel. I want to make politics, and the issues that come with it, easier to understand so people are more engaged and take that engagement all the way to the ballot box. If you’d like to support this endeavor please follow my channel on YouTube, my feed on Twitter and share, please share, with people you know. If you have questions, feel free to ask and I’ll try and answer them as thoughtfully as I can.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Best always!

xo Leigh

4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Linda Harris #

    Yay! You’re back! I’m a political junky and I thought your new “politics girl” is just what I needed. I love how you are explaining the process without a hint of your personal ideology. Thanks so very much. Linda Harris Aunt Linda Ashley’s aunt Xo

    Sent from my iPhone


    February 1, 2016
  2. Oh my gosh! My husband and I were just saying what the h is a caucus! That was so informative and so fun to watch! I had to jump on and say yay!! After watching part 1. Off to watch the rest. Kat

    Sent from my iPhone


    February 1, 2016
  3. Sue Bates #

    I could not agree more!!! You GOOOO, girl 🙂

    February 1, 2016
  4. Elizabeth A. Haydn-Jones #

    You. Are. Awesome!!! xo

    On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 9:08 PM, in case im gone wrote:

    > LeighMcG posted: “Hello Friends & Followers! So, I told you I’d have a new > adventure and here it is! I’ve been working on a new project for quite a > while and, though it’s not as perfect or polished as I’d like it to be, I > figured it’s time to stop messing around and ” >

    February 3, 2016

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