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Viewer Questions: Will Congress Choose the Next President?

Hello All!

New post this week is my first Viewer Question Segment regarding a piece that ran in the Huffington Post this week “Doomsday Savior? How Paul Ryan will Pick the Next President.”  and if something like that is really possible?

Quick Answer: Yes. More nuanced answer: watch this video:

Next week we will discuss the Electoral College and how it works.

Please subscribe to the channel on YouTube (you have to have or set up a google account) or, for the mailing list on the website to get email messages when new videos come up.

Thank you again for your continued support!

xo leigh

P.S. Lochlan Update: We’re on Spring Break now and we had the opportunity to go to the soft opening (meaning not yet officially open) of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios and it was absoutely incredible. If you are a fan of the book and stories like our family. It is an absolute must do!!





Donald Trump v. The GOP

This is a big day in primary politics and who comes out on top will say a lot about how we move forward to the conventions in July. The biggest issue on the table is currently the Republican front runner Donald J. Trump and his war with the establishment and controlling players in his party. How will it all play out? Why should we care? What is it we should understand? It’s a super big deal and one worth paying attention to.

New post at or on YouTube:

Best to all!

Next week: The fallout from today’s results and where we go from here.

xo leigh

The Importance of the Supreme Court

As Super Tuesday’s results make the Presidential Nominees clearer and clearer, the Importance of the Supreme Court and, more specifically, who gets to nominate its justices becomes more and more important. New Politics Girl: The Importance of the Supreme Court: Part 1 is up on YouTube now. Part 2 will be up soon.

Up Next: Delegates and Super delegates and their effect on the Presidential Nominees.

As always, check out the site for new definitions and blog posts and, if you like it, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Apparently that’s how it works. Did you know there’s a guy who makes over 3 million dollars a year playing video games on YouTube? Well, there is! It’s a brand new world. I’m just not quite sure what to make of it.

Thanks again for all your support.

xo Leigh

P.S. Loch update: He had to go to school today dressed as a “favorite literary character”. Since he was Harry Potter last year and, as he said, “There’s going to be like 20 Harry Potters…” he went as Joe Hardy from the Hardy Boys. Adorable 1950’s teenage sleuth.
